For Clients
Diagnostic Assessment
While one does not typically need any specific diagnosis to access treatment services, there are many circumstances where undergoing a diagnostic assessment may be helpful. This may include circumstances where clients will be able to access supports/pensions with a particular diagnosis, or perhaps where previous therapies have been unsatisfactory and having some clarity about the nature of the problems would be helpful in informing further treatment. Please contact for more information. Jennifer is qualified to provide diagnostic assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety disorders.
Trauma and Stress Injuries
Past traumas may cause a number of psychological conditions, such as depression, anxiety disorders, or posttraumatic stress disorder. Many people find that their trauma-related symptoms do not improve on their own over time and can actually get worse in some individuals. Jennifer will help you understand what your treatment options are (including both those that she is able to offer and those that she cannot) and help get you connected with the right supports. In terms of specific therapeutic modalities, Jennifer is an experienced provider of Cognitive Processing Therapy, Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, and Prolonged Exposure Therapy. Many clients with trauma histories also benefit from existential approaches to therapy (e.g., opportunities to talk explicitly about death anxiety and meaning in life). Jennifer has used a holistic approach to treating trauma for several years with clients who have very severe symptoms. She may be able to offer a fresh perspective if you’ve tried other methods in the past with unsatisfactory results. Please reach out and remember, it’s never too late to heal. It is honourable and courageous to ask for help, and Jennifer will welcome you to therapy as the hero that you are.
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders are very common, and they are very treatable! Typically, CBT methods are used to help a person very gently and gradually face fears and learn how to manage anxiety in healthy ways. Jennifer herself has a lot of social anxiety, but she’s never let that stop her from being a therapist, being the lead singer in a rock band, or teaching courses at universities! That’s because therapy works for anxiety disorders! Jennifer is passionate about helping people with anxiety live their best life.
Depression is very common. It is a normal reaction to prolonged stress. Typically, CBT methods are helpful in managing stressors and changing beliefs and behaviours that tend to maintain depression. Also, you have many different treatment options when it comes to depression, and Jennifer is happy to speak with you about both the methods that she can offer you herself and those that she does not offer (she can help you access these other treatments if you wish).
Stress Management
Many people struggle not with a specific mental health condition, but with a more general sense of stress, unease, and imbalance in their life. Jennifer can suggest CBT strategies for stress management to help you be more resilient and adaptable.
Neurodivergence (especially Autism and ADHD)
Many adults are just coming to learn something important about themselves… they have Autism or ADHD, and it was missed or misdiagnosed when they were kids! Getting this news can be hard and bring up a lot of traumata, but it is also an opportunity for profound personal growth. Once you know how and why your brain is different, you can develop coping strategies, access support and accommodations, and be the person who you were truly meant to be! Jennifer has both professional and personal experience that make her a suitable clinician for neurodivergent clients. Services are delivered in a neurodivergent-affirming manner, to focus on your strengths and avoid over-pathologizing neurodivergent abilities and experiences.
Grief and Loss
If you are struggling with grief and loss, this can have a huge impact on your ability to engage meaningfully in many aspects of life. Therapy can help you engage in a healthy grieving process with adequate support. It is not about “getting over it” or “moving on,” but moving forward with life, taking cherished memories and the wisdom of lost loved ones with you.
Personal Growth
Jennifer loves to work with clients who are psychologically-minded and would just love to learn more about themselves, their personalities, and their interpersonal/communication preferences! Or maybe you want to pursue a new career, hobby, or interest, but something inside yourself seems to be holding you back. Existential approaches to finding meaning in life may be helpful in that regard.
Therapeutic Methods
Cognitive Behavioural Therapies
Don’t settle for a ham-fisted, shallow approach to cognitive-behavioural therapy!
There’s a lot of misinformation out there currently, so before talking about what CBT is, we need to do some myth-busting! CBT (done properly) is neither shallow nor patronizing. Done correctly, it does not at all go into the realm of “toxic positivity.” We are not trying to suppress thoughts (won’t work) or simply replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts (won’t resonate)! So, what is CBT, really?!
In essence, the cognitive part of CBT is to help you examine your thoughts and find ways that the things you have been saying to yourself may be getting in the way of you living your best life. We go through life and sometimes we learn things that do not ultimately serve us across our lifetime. Sometimes, well-meaning (or not so much) adults put expectations on children that are unrealistic, resulting in enduring beliefs around inadequacy and fault for things that were beyond your control. These beliefs can cause low-level problems throughout life, but they can surge up with a vengeance when we are stressed. Learning how to think differently about yourself, your experiences, and the world in general is not shallow at all… it is the deepest work that Jennifer has ever done both as a client and a practitioner. Ultimately, no one can tell you how to think, but a good cognitive therapist can give you the skills that you can use to evaluate your own ways of thinking. This will allow you to change or discard beliefs as you see fit.
The behavioural part is all the rest – habits that no longer serve us, coping strategies that have a high price tag and tend to maintain our anxiety or low mood over time, interpersonal behaviours that don’t allow us to get the support that we need, etc. A good behavioural therapist will help you make slow and gradual changes in your routines and responses to stress to optimize your energy balance (input and output). There is also a big somatic component, learning how your body gives you signals and how to act on those in a healthy way alone can make a huge difference in someone’s mental and physical health.
So, when you put those two things together, you get Cognitive Behavioural Therapy! Other benefits of this therapy: the decades of research behind it, so you can rest assured that these methods have helped a lot of people and there’s every reason to expect that they can help you, too! There are specific tools available for diagnostic categories (e.g., depression, social anxiety, etc.) so that you will benefit from the experiences of others who have similar thoughts and behaviours. Lastly, CBT is designed to work fast! For most issues, 10-15 sessions are enough to provide adequate symptom relief, better self-regulation, and improvement in daily functioning.
Modern versions of CBT such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy also incorporate widely popular and helpful tools like mindfulness and self-compassion. CBT therapies are also good for providing problem-solving and strengths-based support. Your therapist will work with you as an individual, based on your unique values and needs, and help you change your relationship with unhelpful ways of thinking and behaving.
Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy
This is a type of therapy that emphasizes processing experiences that are not easily put into words. Traumatic memories especially may be encoded in fragments, and may include visual, auditory, somatic, etc. components that do not lend themselves well to cognitive processing. So, for this… we have EMDR. As a practitioner, Jennifer is relatively new to EMDR, but has used it successfully with clients who are “haunted” by memories that are difficult to talk about. It is an approach that also emphasizes coping strategies like containment, making new connections between memories and thoughts/beliefs, and using the feeling of safety in the here and now to gently engage with memories of difficult experiences.
Jennifer is NOT a practitioner who preaches one approach to the exclusion of all others, so she is also different from many EMDR practitioners who push this method as the one and only way to process trauma. If you are looking for a pure EMDR approach, it would be best for you to find another therapist who does just that. Jennifer offers a more open-minded and integrative approach, where different kinds of processing are valued and respected for what they can offer to clients. This is also in keeping with the science and Jennifer’s past real-world clinical experiences as a trauma therapist in an intensive interdisciplinary program.
How to Book
If you are not an existing client, please reach out to Jennifer via web form, telephone, or email. She will offer you a free 15-minute consultation via Zoom or telephone. Existing clients can access the client booking portal by clicking on the Book Now button below:
Fees and Direct Billing
Psychological services (assessment and treatment) are NOT currently covered by MSP. Psychologists operate under a fee-for-services system. Currently, Jennifer charges $230/50-minutes of therapy or assessment. Payment is due at the time of service. Jennifer direct bills to Medavie Blue Cross, First Nations Health Authority, and many extended health benefits plans.

Existing Clients
All existing clients can use the link below to book appointments
Get In Touch With Jennifer
*Services are offered in-person @ the Wellington Natural Health Clinic or online via virtual practice software